zaterdag 13 november 2010

My piece of graffiti art

My piece of arts (must) show a sea with animals.
It didn't really work out how it was mean.
The intention was good but the action less.
I'm not a very fast painter so i didn't have
the time to finish it.
My mark was a 6,5.

p.s. Het lukte nog niet om de foto te uploaden
dus dat komt later.

Art in your neighbourhood

The Volco statues:

The Volco statues show a story
about a dragon that changes into
several statues. There's even a
little book written about it.
It's not realy clear who made it.
It's made in 2007. The book
was allready out in 1997.

donderdag 21 oktober 2010

Where: Buenos Aires
Made by: Brujo, Wirst, Pier, Dano, Jaz
When: in 2004
Wat: It shows a tiger made by graffiti.
Why i choose it: I really like orange and
i like how the figure is made.


My name is Geert and i'm 12 years old.  
I live in Axel. My hobby's are tennis,
football and going on vacation!
This summer i went to China and a
few years ago i went to Egypt.
I don't have any brothers or sisters
but we have a lot of fish in the pond
and i have one rabbit.