zondag 23 december 2012

Self portrait

This time our assignment was to, after we had practised a lot on it, make 2 beautiful self portrait of yourself. Although I might not have managed to make them really beautiful I did get a 7 for them, which is rather good for me concerning art.
When you look at the portraits you can see the colours that I have used differ a lot in both. In one I wanted to express myself in a happy mood, with bright colours like red, yellow and orange. In the other one I wanted to express myself as someone who is thinking very deeply about difficult subjects f.e. life or tests ;)
Personally I do not really have a favourite painting, although I think the colour scheme of the darker one might have the edge over the colour scheme of the brighter painting.
Hopefully I can keep improving my painting-skills. However, I think I'm not born with an overwhelming amount of talent.

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012


This is the result of our first assignment of this schoolyear, in which we had to make a self-portrait. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the hang of it and the result isn't too nice. I hope my upcoming pieces will be from better quality, also because I hope to get a better mark, for this one I got a 6.

dinsdag 18 september 2012

Childish drawing (5 years old)

This drawing I made when I was 5 years old and at this time is was in the 2nd group of elementary school. It shows a witch and after looking at all of my paintings I've produced in my early childhood, I think it's also one of the best. However, after inspecting all of the paintings again, it became shockingly clear to me that I will probably never become a real artist.

maandag 11 juni 2012

Wheat field with Cypresses -Van Gogh painting

My painting
One of my favourite assignments until now is making a reproduction of a painting from the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. I tried to use some techniques Van Gogh also used, but I had been putting a bit too much paint on my painting so it crulled up, that's why my painting is hold flat by my bag and my guitar amplifier. Despite this little problem I think I did a good job, which was also rewarded with one of my highest 'painting' marks yet: an 8.

Skateboard deck design

Making a skateboard design didn't sound that hard to me. However, I soon realised after starting that this wasn't  going to be a succes. I know I could and should have done better on this one and although art isn't my best subject, this is really bad. No special features combined with a simple colour scheme makes this design a failure. Nevertheless, there are also a positive point: I got a 6,3 for it, which is not insuficient. :)

Haring bike

At art class we took a closer look to the artist Keith Haring. Keith Haring was a famous painter widely known for his special dolls. Of course, we all so had to try this style ourselves with our own 'Haring Bike'. To look at my own work, I think my first bike is way better than the second one and I'm pleased with a 6.5, although I want to go for a higher mark next time.

maandag 16 januari 2012

Canterbury cathedral
Before visit:
On the 20th of December 2011, we will go to Canterbury. There we will visit many things, including the famous Canterbury cathedral. I think the Canterbury cathedral will be a very big, almost pompous building, with a lot of decoration.
I don’t know for sure if I will really like it, because it maybe that I will think it’s a bit over the top.
History of the Canterbury cathedral
In 597 St Augustine was sent by the Pope to bring Christianity back. He went to Canterbury and he founded the first cathedral in England which is now the enormous Canterbury cathedral. Canterbury cathedral has been a very important place for pilgrimages for over 800 after the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becker in 1170.
After visit:
Canterbury cathedral was an enormous as I had expected but it was more modest than I thought it would be, and for example as I had seen in Rome in the St. Peter’s Basilica. The parts I liked most of the cathedral were the windows, which were beautifully decorated with stained glass.

This is the main entrance of the cathedral
This is a part of a stained-glass window for which Canterbury
cathedral is famous
The beautiful choir screen of Canterbury cathedral
I think the story is Thomas Becker is interesting because they actually didn’t really like him when he was alive, but when he was killed he got very popular.