maandag 11 juni 2012

Wheat field with Cypresses -Van Gogh painting

My painting
One of my favourite assignments until now is making a reproduction of a painting from the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. I tried to use some techniques Van Gogh also used, but I had been putting a bit too much paint on my painting so it crulled up, that's why my painting is hold flat by my bag and my guitar amplifier. Despite this little problem I think I did a good job, which was also rewarded with one of my highest 'painting' marks yet: an 8.

Skateboard deck design

Making a skateboard design didn't sound that hard to me. However, I soon realised after starting that this wasn't  going to be a succes. I know I could and should have done better on this one and although art isn't my best subject, this is really bad. No special features combined with a simple colour scheme makes this design a failure. Nevertheless, there are also a positive point: I got a 6,3 for it, which is not insuficient. :)

Haring bike

At art class we took a closer look to the artist Keith Haring. Keith Haring was a famous painter widely known for his special dolls. Of course, we all so had to try this style ourselves with our own 'Haring Bike'. To look at my own work, I think my first bike is way better than the second one and I'm pleased with a 6.5, although I want to go for a higher mark next time.