zondag 23 december 2012

Self portrait

This time our assignment was to, after we had practised a lot on it, make 2 beautiful self portrait of yourself. Although I might not have managed to make them really beautiful I did get a 7 for them, which is rather good for me concerning art.
When you look at the portraits you can see the colours that I have used differ a lot in both. In one I wanted to express myself in a happy mood, with bright colours like red, yellow and orange. In the other one I wanted to express myself as someone who is thinking very deeply about difficult subjects f.e. life or tests ;)
Personally I do not really have a favourite painting, although I think the colour scheme of the darker one might have the edge over the colour scheme of the brighter painting.
Hopefully I can keep improving my painting-skills. However, I think I'm not born with an overwhelming amount of talent.